In Duyba we have been manufacturing soles for footwear since 1978. During those years the growth of the footwear industry required specialized adjoining industries and in this context, Antonio Bailén and Vicente Durá founded the company Duyba Troquelados y Prefabricados S.L. In 1987 Vicente Durá acquires the whole of society and now it is his son who takes charge of it.
We are in Elche, one of the cities of the Vinalopó Valley where the footwear industry began its development in the seventies. Currently these regions of southern Alicante, the main center of activity of the footwear industry and components nationwide.
The footwear and fashion industry are in constant evolution and transformation. Our goal is to offer proposals and solutions to our clients. For this, over time we have been incorporating the technical and professional advances that allow us to make a quality product.